Saturday, April 19, 2014

Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin Review

This is Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin.
Honestly, when I first saw the preview for this I was like, "Great, another harem. Sigh." Because harems usually get on my nerves and it's not hard for me to go through life without watching one single harem. And when the first episode came out, you could tell there was a big possibility that it would develop into a harem. However, this one certain anime hit a spark with me. In my mind, the characters are simply hilarious, especially the main boy Jugo who is your usual pervert. I mean, he even dislocated his arm to touch Nanana's boob, which was freakin funny as hell. Anyway, the plot is also actually interesting, and I love mystery related stuff so I really got interested in the case. I have a slight feeling that maybe the so called friend of Nanana is the killer, but it's a small feeling. The animation is also great in my eyes, plus I love the character designs. The one character that surprised me was Hoshino, the crossdressing maid. I mean, his personlity and appearence is feminine! It was a good surprise and I have tthree ideas that he either likes Tensai, he'll be gay and join the harem team, or he'll be there for just comic relief. Either way, I really enjoy his presence in the story because he's just so god damn cute!! I also am in love with the opening, because it's so catchy! And don't let me even get started on Nanana-chan. Through and through, I'll absolutely watch the upcoming episodes!

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