Monday, April 21, 2014

No Game No Life Review

This is No Game No Life. So far, the first two episodes have been released and it is freaking hilarious! When I first heard this anime was coming out, I was captured by the animation. But then I watched the trailer and heard my friends talking, finding out it was supposed to be a harem. Like I said in my review for Ryuugajou Nanana, I don't give a thought about harems. But knowing that I previously thought that about Nanana and turned out I totally changed my mind, I gave it a chance and watched the first episode. I'm so glad I did! The brother and sister, the main characters, are to be never split apart as shown in episode two for bigger than 5 feet. The brother is one of those characters where he's extremely perverted, very smart, and has a huge sister complex. The sister is your normal adorable, also a little perverted as she doesn't take baths in front of her brother because she thinks it's child porn, and also has a huge brother complex. Steph by far is my favorite girl in harem history, since she can't accept the fact that Sora has now forced her to fall in love with him and jams her head on anything she's beside when she has those moments. Not only do I enjoy the characters so far and the animation, but the plot itself is cool. And you can't possibly turn down this anime when it has such a cute girl like Shiro, the younger sister of Sora! I wish she was one of my siblings, too bad she's animated. Man, there are a lot of good anime out this season, AND THERE'S STILL MORE TO COME!!!!!!

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