Saturday, April 5, 2014

Kiniro no Corda 3 Episode 1

Along with Kamigami no Asobi, the first episode of Kiniro no Corda 3 was released today. Like I said in my review of this, the animation has approved, but just by a little and it's lovely. Apparently, there's this big competition for school classical music clubs that are from high funding schools. Kanade, the main girl, plays the violin and has two childhood friends which so far you can tell that Kyoya likes Kanade and super jealous of the other childhood friend, Ritsu. Then there's this mysterious red head dude named Reiji who looks so badass(Forgive my language). There was this one funny looking scene where Kanade and Kyoya were watching the concert and they switch to this one guy who's yellow hair was like glowing! I swear, it was so freakin bright and it looked weird, and I laughed so hard at it! I don't know if Ritsu likes Kanade or not, but it seems like Kanade likes him. Although, I really think that Kanade just likes the way he plays the violin and thinks of him as a very close friend. The character I enjoyed so far was Kyoya, the oh so jealous childhood friend who is all like,'' Kanade is my shoujo girl, so stay away!!'' And I thought it was really cute when he made a pouty face when Ritsu played his violin and captivated Kanade. So far, I like the anime and it looks like it has a bright future.

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