Friday, April 25, 2014

Congrats To Meh Bestie!!!!

I have very exciting news for everyone, and especially for my best friend Sara. Recently, she contacted the author of the Shugo Chara manga through email explaining an idea she had for her own manga that she thought of. After several days of talking this author through emails, she finally got her answer to the question she had been asking. She said no to making her idea a manga, and instead, said they could make it an anime next year!!!! The name of it is Colorful Love and it is a reverse harem. Here's the plot:

In a world where bugs have made homes out of human bodies, there are only a few who have survived. The only way to be able to tell those possesed and those not apart, you have to look closely at their eyes because those not possesed have color in their eyes. Every human inhabitated with these bugs have lost the colours in their eyes, turning them a blank gray. Those who have colour in their eyes also have special power bestowed upon them. For instance, Tsukito Yakuma, who has red eyes, has the power of fire( You probably guessed that) and is hated by most of the other boys with these coulored eyes. Yuri Shimasa, transfered to a secret school where these humans reside after her brother dissapeared, and has a black eye and a white eye. Because she has these eyes, she is able to control if someone dies or lives, the white meaning life and black meaning death. After meeting all the boys, each having different coloured eyes and different personalities, she runs into none other than her brother!

You have no idea on how proud I am of Sara and I'm also so happy for her and I know it has been one of her dreams to create her own anime and have it air on TV. I wish all of my luck and I can't wait to see it air next year!!!

Mekakucity Actors Review

This Mekakucity Actors.
I was a huge fan of the songs that this anime was based off of and I was really excited when I heard it was going to be turned into an anime. And to my dissapointment, I would say that it needs some work. First of all, it's way too confusing for me and the storyline is going a little to fast. Personally, I found it a little dissapointing, but it wasn't too dissapointing that I would like to drop it. It's only been two episodes so far, so it might be one of those animes where it's stupid in the beginning  and gradually gets better by the middle of it. And I must add that I love the animation, and I have a feeling that the same animators from Bakumonogatari did this. The blue haired girl in the picture, Enomoto, is soooooo cute that I wish she lived in my computer. If she didn't take pleasure in doing stuff I hate. Like I said before, this anime is a little dissapointing, but I won't completely drop it yet. Wow, I think this is the first anime this season that I'm not crazy for!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu Ka Review

This is Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu Ka. I'm not one really one for moe animes like this, because to me ther pointless. But after watching the first two episodes of this one, I decided that this one was another anime on my watch list. It's very funny and happy, and the theme of this anime being moe, the characters are adorable. The little white haired girl in the middle is the daughter of the owner of the shop, Rabbit Cafe and I think her grandpa is trapped inside of a bunny that sits on her head. The pink haired girl is supposed to be way more talented than she thinks she is, but is still somewhat of an airhead. The purple haired girl is the daughter of an army dad and surprisingly loves cute things and is very good at cream art. The green haired girl works at a old rival store and tries to get the pink haired girl to work for her, and is obsessed with old scripts. And we have yet to meet the yellow haired girl. All of these cuties captured my heart and I'm glad I gave yet another great anime a chance to make onto my watch list. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Escha and Logy no Atelier Review

This an anime called Escha and Logy no Atelier.
When I first heard of this, I was told that it was originally an adaption from an ROPG game. I have played those types of games before and I find them to be entertaining and worth my time. When I saw the first episode, I thought that it was a little on the boring side. But, it's only the first episode. The animation is of good quality and the main girl is adorable. I just love her little tail, it's so kawaii! And in the first episode, you can tell there's gonna be some romance involved between the two main characters, Logy and Escha. Logy is a little mysterious, but at least he's not a jerk or something like that. I have yet to see the next episode, and I don't know if it is something I'll keep on my watch list. I guess we'll just have to see.

Monday, April 21, 2014

No Game No LIfe Official Opening

This the official opening to No Game No Life. Enjoy!

No Game No Life Review

This is No Game No Life. So far, the first two episodes have been released and it is freaking hilarious! When I first heard this anime was coming out, I was captured by the animation. But then I watched the trailer and heard my friends talking, finding out it was supposed to be a harem. Like I said in my review for Ryuugajou Nanana, I don't give a thought about harems. But knowing that I previously thought that about Nanana and turned out I totally changed my mind, I gave it a chance and watched the first episode. I'm so glad I did! The brother and sister, the main characters, are to be never split apart as shown in episode two for bigger than 5 feet. The brother is one of those characters where he's extremely perverted, very smart, and has a huge sister complex. The sister is your normal adorable, also a little perverted as she doesn't take baths in front of her brother because she thinks it's child porn, and also has a huge brother complex. Steph by far is my favorite girl in harem history, since she can't accept the fact that Sora has now forced her to fall in love with him and jams her head on anything she's beside when she has those moments. Not only do I enjoy the characters so far and the animation, but the plot itself is cool. And you can't possibly turn down this anime when it has such a cute girl like Shiro, the younger sister of Sora! I wish she was one of my siblings, too bad she's animated. Man, there are a lot of good anime out this season, AND THERE'S STILL MORE TO COME!!!!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Official Opening of Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin

The official opening of Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin anime.

Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin Review

This is Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin.
Honestly, when I first saw the preview for this I was like, "Great, another harem. Sigh." Because harems usually get on my nerves and it's not hard for me to go through life without watching one single harem. And when the first episode came out, you could tell there was a big possibility that it would develop into a harem. However, this one certain anime hit a spark with me. In my mind, the characters are simply hilarious, especially the main boy Jugo who is your usual pervert. I mean, he even dislocated his arm to touch Nanana's boob, which was freakin funny as hell. Anyway, the plot is also actually interesting, and I love mystery related stuff so I really got interested in the case. I have a slight feeling that maybe the so called friend of Nanana is the killer, but it's a small feeling. The animation is also great in my eyes, plus I love the character designs. The one character that surprised me was Hoshino, the crossdressing maid. I mean, his personlity and appearence is feminine! It was a good surprise and I have tthree ideas that he either likes Tensai, he'll be gay and join the harem team, or he'll be there for just comic relief. Either way, I really enjoy his presence in the story because he's just so god damn cute!! I also am in love with the opening, because it's so catchy! And don't let me even get started on Nanana-chan. Through and through, I'll absolutely watch the upcoming episodes!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Haikyuu!! First Episode Review

Haikyuu!! first episode came out almost a week ago and I only just watched it a day ago. It was way better than I expected! The way the episode flowed was amazing, and its characters are amusing. There was also some character development in the end, but only a little, and I thought that was a good thing to add. I loved the end when Shoyo found out that the one guy he swore he would beat was on the same team! I also love the art style, but sometimes it looked weird. Other than that, I would say that this is absolutely a keeper and I'm adding it to watch list.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

About me

Hello everyone, since there are not really any other animes I can review at the moment, I'll tell you about myself. My name is Yuri Kagamori and I'm 15 years old. I think you can tell by my name that I'm Japanese. My great grandmother came to the United States and started her family here, and eventually I was born. Being a Japanese girl brought up in America, I was introduced to only a few Japanese traditions and items. I did learn to speak Japanese, but I use it only at my house. Sometimes, I watch anime raw or I'll use subs if I'm tired. My favorite animes are, Junjou Romantica, Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, Fairy Tail, Gravitation, Diabolik Lovers, Nagi no Asukara, Higurashi, and Soul Eater. My favorite genres are reverse harem, yaoi, and horror. My favorite books are Hunger Games, and Divergent. My favorite movies are 27 Dresses, Paranormal Activity, Hunger Games, and Woman in Black. My hobbies consist of writing, drawing, baking, and singing. I have 3 dogs Blade, Hachi, and Molly. I have three sisters and a twin brother, who all get on my nerves but I love them so much. We all live with my dad, since my mom died in a accident when I was little. I usually do all the housework, but sometimes my brother will help me if he feels like it and my dad helps me cook. I love sushi and salads, and of course sweets. I'm turning 16 in June, having 2 more years in school. I love the colour blue, whether it's bright or dark. I'm good in Math and Writing, but suck in Science. So, there you have it. That's me. Hope you enjoyed

Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii Review

This is another new anime who's first episode came out today, Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii.  It's about this girl named Nike who's the princess of a poor kingdom and has been chosen out of her three other sisters to marry the Sun King who rules the world. So, she goes to the Sun Kingdom to fulfill her destiny as the queen of this kingdom. But once she meets the actual Sun King, it's a huge surprise. It turns out, he's still a kid. And by a kid, I mean he looks like he's only thirteen or maybe younger! When I first saw him at the end of the episode, I was all like, '' Okay, who put the ten year old in charge of a country?!'' The ending is so cute because it shows him sleeping and he looks like a shota boy, until he gets out of bed and it turns out he is stark naked and you see his tiny little butt. I nearly spit out my drink when that happened! And the main girl, Nike, is like a total different princess then what I expected her to be. But, it's certainly a good kind of different. It's very interesting so far and I am looking forward to see how good this anime can get.

Captain Earth Episode 1

This is a new anime that's first episode was released today, Captain Earth. Before today, I had recently heard of it but since it involved mecha, which usually doesn't spark an interest with me, I didn't give it much thought. But, after my friend told me how good it was, I decided to give it a try. I was so glad I did! I was very interested from the start of the anime and to the end, as it actually has a good plot and good characters to it. The animation was also good and it raised my interest. The character himself is interesting and you see that in the first episode, he already goes through some character development. By far, this is the first mecha anime that I love so far and I can't wait for the second episode to come out.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Kiniro no Corda 3 Episode 1

Along with Kamigami no Asobi, the first episode of Kiniro no Corda 3 was released today. Like I said in my review of this, the animation has approved, but just by a little and it's lovely. Apparently, there's this big competition for school classical music clubs that are from high funding schools. Kanade, the main girl, plays the violin and has two childhood friends which so far you can tell that Kyoya likes Kanade and super jealous of the other childhood friend, Ritsu. Then there's this mysterious red head dude named Reiji who looks so badass(Forgive my language). There was this one funny looking scene where Kanade and Kyoya were watching the concert and they switch to this one guy who's yellow hair was like glowing! I swear, it was so freakin bright and it looked weird, and I laughed so hard at it! I don't know if Ritsu likes Kanade or not, but it seems like Kanade likes him. Although, I really think that Kanade just likes the way he plays the violin and thinks of him as a very close friend. The character I enjoyed so far was Kyoya, the oh so jealous childhood friend who is all like,'' Kanade is my shoujo girl, so stay away!!'' And I thought it was really cute when he made a pouty face when Ritsu played his violin and captivated Kanade. So far, I like the anime and it looks like it has a bright future.

Kamigami no Asobi Episode 1

The first episode of Kamigami no Asobi was released today. I was surprised on how good the episode was and I very much loved it!!! And, thank god Yui isn't some wimpy female character like most reverse harems have! So far, my favorite guy is Takeru the blue haired guy. I also love the guy that trips a lot, Balder. The animation is very good so far and I'm so glad that each episode is 24 minutes long instead of something like 15 minutes per episode like Diabolik Lovers had. This really hit it off with me and I can't wait for the next episode!!!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Golden Time Review

This is Golden Time. At first, I completely loved the anime, the plot, and the characters. But, eventually  it blew out on me. I personally think there is too much drama, I mean, half of the episodes were part of either Banri getting his feelings for Linda back even though he currently loved Koko, Koko becoming this melodramatic crybaby who took out her anger on him and even broke up with him to "Keep his feelings unhurt", or just drama among the other characters. Sure, there were some very funny moments and there were good points made, but too much drama can become boring and make the outcome of the anime predictable. With that said, I will gladly point out its good points. The comedy in this is just hilarious! Especially when Mitsuo and Banri pretended to be gay and pretended to be dating because a girl was pesturing Mitsuo. I laughed so hard when Banri screamed, "My Boyfriend!!" to Mitsuo when he arrived at the scene and shot kisses to him! Another one of my favorite parts is when Banri and Koko tried to have sex but she kept getting sick and evetually got stabbed in the head with a piece of art she made for him. Unlike most romance animes out ther(Besides Campaign if you've seen it), there were a lot of good kiss scenes. Especially the one at the very end of the last episode, which was very sweet! All and all, I enjoyed watching this anime and I might even play the visual novel!

Love Stage!! Preview

Preview for Love Stage!!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Love Stage Review

This is Love Stage!!
With a father who's a singer, a mother who's a movie star, and a brother who's the lead vocalist of the popular band, ¨The Crusherz¨ Sena Izumi, an otaku(a really big fan of anime) college student, is the only dull one in the family. He loves the anime, '' Magical Girl LalaLulu'' and is working hard to become a mangaka. One day, he winds up having have a appearance for a redone commercial he did as a kid 10 years ago. There, he reunites with the super popular co-star Ichijou Ryouma who's been in love with him since the commercial 10 years ago. Thing is, Ryouma thinks Izumi is a girl!

I CAN'T WAIT!!! This upcoming anime is the one I can't wait for the most! Especially it being a yaoi, and I love yaoi! I have read the whole manga and when I heard it was going to be an anime, I almost died from a heart attack! This has to be one of the best yaoi mangas out there, besides Junjou and Sekaiichi Hataukoi. I mean, Izumi is so cute and he looks like a total shota boy, but sadly, he's Ryouma's shota boy. The manga in general was hilarious, especially when Ryouma found out Izumi was a boy. They are also a very cute couple and they feel right together, like, even I wouldn't look good with Izumi-chan. Although I adore Izumi's dream to be a manga artist, I have to say that he has no talent in drawing at all. When he draws, it looks like my cat threw up on dog poop. Yep, it's that bad. And it turns out that he's very good at acting. He can even play four different characters at once, which is freaking awesome!!! I was a little confused with Ryouma's personality though. I mean, one minute he can be this big gentlemany guy in love, then he'll be a huge tsundere and big jerk, and then he'll be this big crybaby who wants Izumi's love. It's like, what kinda personality is the author going for? Anyhow, this anime is set to air in July, which is killing me even more!!!! I pray that they will release it a lot sooner.

Kamigami no Asobi Preview

Preview for Kamigami no Asobi.


Kamigami no Asobi Review

This is Kamigami no Asobi.
This is another reverse harem that I've been waiting for all year! Like Kiniro no Corda, Kamigami was originally a visual novel that was adapted into an anime. It's about this girl named Yui Kusanagi that is transported to another world and learns that she has to teach a bunch of these gods about love to save the relationships of humans and gods. I actually played the visual novel and it was very good, and I was so excited to hear that it was being adapted into an anime and the fact that it airs tomorrow is killing me! The characters are good, but Yui is yet again going to be a mild and wimpy heroine. Ugh, how come it's always these stupid wimpy girls that end up getting a bunch of hot and cute guys!!? The one character I am looking forward to is Anubis, who is voice acted by my favorite voice actor, Yuki Kaji! Plus, Anubis has this cute little saying that goes, ¨Ka-Barabara!!¨ I just hope the anime is as good as the game.

Kiniro no Corda 3: Blue Sky Review

This is Kiniro no Corda 3: Blue Sky.
If you've seen the original La Corda D'oro series, then this is sure to look familiar. It is a separate story based on the visual novel that was made into anime set to air tomorrow. I've been waiting all year for this anime and I can't wait for it to come out tomorrow! Being a big reverse harem fan, this and Kamigami no Asobi are my most anticipated romance animes coming out. The animation for the third series look improved, not that the original animation was bad or anything and I actually enjoyed the style of it. I just hope the main lead girl is not another wimpy heroine like most reverse harem girls are. Another reason why I can't wait for this anime is because of the boys, look at those bishies!!! Anyway, I hope tomorrow comes fast!

Haikyuu!! Preview

Preview for Haikyuu!!

Haikyuu!! Review

This is Haikyuu!!
A chance triggered Shouyou Hinata's love for volleyball. His club had no members, but somehow perserved and made it into it's very first and final regular middle school, where it was steamrolled by Tobio Kageyama. a superstar who is known as the king of the courts. Vowing revenge, Hinata applied to the Karasuno High School Volleyball Club, only to come face to face with his rival, Kageyama.

This anime will be airing in 2 days and I can't wait! Me myself was part of my school's volleyball team, and I loved it, thus giving me instant interest when I first heard of it. My favorite animes are usually ones about sports such as tennis, cycling, running, soccer, and others. I have never seen one with volleyball, so it's new and fresh plot wise to me. The animation looks good, and the characters look promising as well. But I guess I'll have to wait 2 more days. The aticipation is killing me!!

Boku wa Minna Kawaisou Review

This is Boku wa Minna Kawaisou.
Usa, a high-school student aspiring to begin a bachelor life-style moves into a apartment only to learn that he not only shares a room with a perverted roomate that has an obsession with underaged girls, but also that another girl who he's in love with, Ritsu lives in the same building.

The first recently came out and so far I am in love with the characters, stroyline, and animation! All the people except Usa and Ritsu are very strange and funny, especially his roomate. By far, the first episode left a good impression on me and I can't wait to see how the anime will draw out.

Fairy Tail 2014 Preview

Preview for the upcoming anime Fairy Tail 2014 coming out tomorrow.

Upcoming Fairy Tail Anime 2014 Review

This is Fairy Tail 2014.
If you have recently seen the original series and are a big fan, then there will be no surprise to you when you hear that tomorrow, the new 2014 season will be coming out. After the voice actor of Lucy returned after recently quitting the project, they immediatly put the season back on schedule. I am so excited for tomorrow and can't wait to see how good it will be. After the season ends, I'll do an actual review on it. For now, let's just watch the preview.

Nagi no Asukara Preview

Preview of Nagi no Asukara. Don't worry, it's a completed anime and all episodes are out. Just wanted you guys to embrace the story and animation more than just giving you the opening.

Nagi no Asukara Review

This is Nagi no Asukara.
Long ago, human civilization had lived on the ocean floor. However, there were many humans who wanted to live above on the surface and they moved to land creating a fundamental separation of the two. After their school closed down, four childhood friends from the sea village transfered to the surface school, Mihama Middle School. What follows is their struggles to adjust to a new environment and the relationships of the sea and land people. Also while dealing with their own newfound feelings that had just started appearing at the end of their childhood. The childhood friends consisting of Hikari Sakishima, Manaka Mukaido, Chisaki Hiradaira, and Kaname Isaki they meet Kihara Tsumugu.

This is my most favorite anime this season, but I have to say it had it's downs. First of all, Chisaki got on my nerves in the beginning of the series. Before I get into all that, I'm gonna clear up all of the love buisness. Hikari is in love with Manaka, Manaka at first had feelings for Tsumugu but later developed feelings for Hikari, Chisaki is in love with Hiakri but later fell in love with Tsumugu, Kaname was in love with Chisaki but later started to direct his feelings to a girl named Sayu, Tsumugu fell in love with Chisaki, Miuna fell in love with Hikari, and Miuna's brother Akira fell in love with Manaka. God, that's like a love hectagon! Anyway, the reason I had negative feelings for Chisaki at first was because she was so into her feelings for Hikari that she hurt the person who loved her, who is Kaname. Even though he told her his feelings, she acted as if he didn't exsist in the first place and treated him like shit(excuse my language). At that point Kaname became my favorite character and I felt sorry for him because even he thought no one needed him, oblivious to the fact that Sayu, a girl who was like six at the beginning of the series before the time skip, was in love with him. I thought it was so sweet for him to give her a chance when he realized he would never win Chisaki over. My hatred for Chisaki also died down when she and Tsumugu fell in love with eachother and got out of the way. Hikari and Manaka were such a cute couple and, even though I shipped her and Tsumugu at first, was glad that she endend up with Hikari. But then the time skip happened. At first, I thought it totally ruined the anime for me and I even thought about dropping it since I thought they had just killed Kaname, Hikari, and Manaka off. But once giving it another go, it actually got a lot better. Miuna and Sayu grew up to be Hikari and Kaname's age(Hikari and Kaname didn't age when they were frozen) and were given a chance to be with them. Plus Akira was born and was 3 at the time, which I thought was cute when he told Manaka he loved her! The animation is very beautiful and I wish I could see more of this kind of animation, the studio impressed me. The plot and characters also hit a good note with me, and I had no idea that it would be as good as it was. I'm just gonna pray that they will make a new season!

Sakura Trick Opening

Opening to Sakura Trick.

Sakura Trick Review

This is Sakura Trick.
The story revolves around Haruka and Yuu, two girls who go to a highschool that is slated to be shut down in three years. To share something special between them, they share a kiss which deepens their relationship from then onwards.
This has to be the cutest yuri anime I have ever seen, and that is a big thing coming from me since I don't usually like yuri. Especially little Yuu-chan, who is one of the cutest anime characters of all time. And Haruka has HUGE breasts for a girl her size, which is usually noted in the anime. The other characters are just as adorable and funny as this couple. The artwork is very good as well and the character designs are very well thought out. The story is a little shakey, and sometimes the purpose of them kissing would get a little old. Other than that, I enjoyed watching this cute anime and I heard they already started making a second season so I'm looking forward to it!

Miakunin Opening

Opening to Mikakunin.

Mikakunin de Shinkoukei Review

This is Mikakunin de Shinkoukei.
Kobeni Yonomori is a normal highschool girl who lives with her mom and older sister Benio. When she turns sixteen, she is surprised to find out that she has a fiance who will now live with her. His name is Hakuya Mitsumine, a boy her age, and moves in with his 10 year old sister Mashiro. As Kobeni spends more time with him, she starts to learn that there's more to the siblings than meets the eye.
This anime was one of my favorite animes this season, and sadly, it ended about 2 weeks ago. Not only is the characters themselves pleasing and unique, but the storyline itself is great. My favorite character was Benio who had a sister complex on Kobeni and Mashiro. And poor Mashiro was scared half to death of her. One of the funniest things in the anime was the running gag of Kobeni's huge breasts. There was even a part of the anime where Mashiro said her boobs were capable of mass destruction. Hakuya himself was incredibly funny, because he always looks so serious when Kobeni is the only one who can tell how he truly feels. Such when she gave him some chocolate for valentines day, a bunch of flowers popped up in the background showing he was super happy, much to the dismay of a blushing Kobeni. Mashiro is so cute that I wanted to have her as a sister! The way she always trying to eat sticky food, which she hates, but ends up spitting it out anyway. Then there was this whole plot twist and it surprised me. I hate it when I watch new anime but they make it too predictable, so you know what's going to happen even if you didn't read the manga or played the visual novels. One problem I did have with this anime was the shine on the characters. I mean, their school uniforms and their hair shine like they are coated with wax. Other than that, I give this anime about a nine and agree that there should absolutely be a second season!