Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Sailor Moon Remake Review

Sailor Moon:
Certainly, we anime lovers all know the story of Sailor Moon. It was the first anime to come to us, and one of the most popular anime's even today. So what do I say to a remake this year? I'd say that I'm looking forward to it.....but my hopes for this remake dwindle. As excited as I am for this to air, I'm not expecting it to be any where close to how awesome the original was. Let's face it. Most remakes in anime turn out to be a disaster and we're stuck saying the first was supposed to be the only one here. I do admit though that I could be wrong and that this might even turn out to be one of the best remakes and it may even be better than the original. I'm just not getting my hopes up is all; everyone has their own opinions right? But like I said before, I'm really excited for this anime and I can't wait to see how it'll turn out. It airs on July 5, 2014.

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