Sunday, May 25, 2014

Colorful Love Update

Remember that post when I was talking about how my friend's anime idea got accpeted? Well, after some recent revising, they have completed and stated to her herself the plotline, or summary, of her upcoming anime. So, without further ado, here's is the summary for 2015 anime Colorful Love:

"It all started when I was 10 years old. I was so young that I hadn't noticed that humanity was going to come to a stopping point. I don't think anybody did either, whether they were old or young, whether they had been paying attention or not. That's when the infection started. It was said that a small innocent like bug would knaw into your skin and take over your body, killing you off from your own body, violating you and your freedom. Mom and Dad were infected, and so were my classmates. They lost all color in their hair and eyes, they were plain gray and nothing else. Everybody around me had why not me? I didn't care when a bug tried to knaw into my skin and take over me, at least I'd be with everyone else then. But somehow, they never achieved their never ending goal. And why, did one day, did I notice the change in my eyes?" Yuri Shimono, now 16 years old, is taken to a private school for those who are unaffected by the bugs and have certain colored eyes. There she meets 6 boys who each have certain abilities bestowed upon them and are recruited to defaet the infection. But as she she get's to know them, someone unexpected appears....

And there you go. They have yet to work on the character designs and will eventually edit the plotline to an extent. I can't wait for the finished product and am again so proud of Sara for achieveing her dream!

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