Monday, July 14, 2014

Glasslip Episode 1 Review

Nagi no Asukara 2 anyone? Man, PA Works has done it yet again! Another spectacular anime has arrived with a huge refrence. While I was watching episode 1 I had found myself comparing it to Nagi no Asukara. I mean, if you think about it, the relationships of the main characters are almost the exact same. A mysterious boy shows up to disturb the balance of these childhood friends, Yuki/Hikari has a crush on the main girl Touko/Manka who isn't at all aware of his feelings, best friend of Touko/Manaka, Yanagi/Chisaki, has crush on the Yuki/Hikari but is aware of his feelings for Touko/Manka. At least the other character Hiro has a crush outside of those difficult traingle. And after watching the second episode, I have a feeling that Sachi is either a lesbian who is in love with Touko or is just a really possesive friend who hates Kakeru's guts for hitting on HER Touko. And to tell you the truth, I think it would be kinda fun to have a lesbian in this story, but that would be bad news for poor Hiro-kun. Putting that aside, the animation of this anime is simply beautiful and the plot is amazing in just 2 episodes that you can't hate it for being really simialar to Nagi. We also learn a valiable lesson in the second episode: NEVER TELL YOUR CHILDHOOD FRIENDS THEIR FREE TO DATE!!!
I also have a really bad feeling about that train in her visions. I just hope no one gets hit by a train!
Not to mention the OP and ED are spectacular! In the end, can't wait for the third episode!!!!!

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